Implement Kiel Canal surcharge for all inbound cargos to FI/PL/RU/SE/DK/LT/LV/EE
2014/7/9 10:35:14


Dear Customers:

We would like to introduce Kiel Canal Surcharge (KA) for shipment bound to Finland, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, etc. through Kiel Channel with effective from by 1st/Jul/2014.
Please find charge details as follows:

1.   Effective Date: 1st/Jul/2014. (shipment on board date)

 2.   Charge DetailCharge description : KA (KIEL CANAL SURCHARGE)
Charge code           : KA(manifest code)
Amount                   : USD 25/per TEU
Pay term                 : Follow ocean freight
Service coverage    : All inbound cargos to Finland, Poland, Russia, Sweden(Gothenburg excluded), Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

Thanks for the kind attention and the great support.
Best regards !